How to make your hair shiny? 10 steps to shine your hair

The key to shiny shiny hair is healthy hair!

Good, consistent and well-chosen hair care will ensure that your hair is healthy, beautiful and with its natural shine. Maintaining a proper hair care regimen is just as important as adhering to a facial skin care regimen.

How to make your hair shiny

What Causes Dull Hair?

The cuticle is responsible for the smoothness and shine of the hair. When the hair is healthy, the shiny scales are pressed tightly together, like shingles on the roof of a house, and when dry, porous, the scales rise like in a pine cone.

The main causes of dull hair are:

  1. Incorrectly selected hair care. Shampoo is selected based on the condition of the scalp, and conditioner, mask based on the condition of hair length. Also, when choosing home care, the structure of the hair must be taken into account.
  2. Too frequent use of stylers (hair dryer, curling iron, iron) and excessive washing of hair can actually remove the natural oils that make it shiny and silky, leaving hair dry, brittle and damaged.
  3. Hair coloring. Any coloring, even the most gentle, reduces the hair's ability to retain moisture, giving it a lifeless look.
  4. Unbalanced nutrition, which leads to a lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in the body.
  5. Chronic illness and stress.

How to make your hair shiny

How to add shine to your hair at home?

Shine, smoothness and softness of hair are one of the main attributes of healthy and beautiful hair:

  1. Eating a healthy diet affects every part of our body, including our hair! Healthy food is considered healthy for a reason. Shiny hair starts from the inside out. Make sure you eat a balanced diet rich in protein (keratin), omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, micro and macronutrients.
  2. Regular haircut. Believe it or not, when barbers say you need to cut your hair regularly (even if you're trying to grow it out), they are not lying. If your hair is unhealthy, it won't grow and look unkempt.
  3. Use a silk pillowcase. In my opinion, this is an absolute must, and not only the hair will thank you, but also the face. If you don't already have a pure silk Slip pillowcase, buy one now.
  4. Avoid sulfates. If you want shiny and healthy hair, you should avoid sulfates. Sulfates are used in hair products to create the lather that most of us are used to, and while they're not dangerous, they definitely aren't. They dry the hair and scalp, strip essential oils and weaken the hair.
  5. At the end of shampooing, rinse your hair with cool water. This will help close the cuticles and make your hair look smoother.
  6. After washing, blot your hair with a towel, but do not rub it, as this may irritate the cuticle.
  7. Drying in the direction of growth ensures that the surface of the hair remains smooth. Finally, turn on the cold air mode.
  8. If you are in the sun, be sure to use products with UV filters, they will help maintain the color and health of your hair.
  9. Spray-shine for hair is not a remedy, it will not return the natural strength and shine to the hair, but it has caring properties (natural extracts, vitamin complexes, UV filters, oils). Spray shine is designed to give instant shine and shine to hair.
  10. The hard water we wash our heads with can be the reason our hair stays dull despite our best efforts. But, if you change the pH environment to a more acidic one, then the natural shine of the hair is provided. To do this, it is enough to rinse your hair after washing with acidified water: add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar per liter of water.

How to make your hair shiny

Masks for shine at home

Homemade hair shine masks consist of natural ingredients such as base oils, essential oils, pharmacy vitamins, aloe juice, honey, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

To see the result, homemade masks should be done in a course: 8-10 procedures, once or twice a week.

It is advisable to insulate home masks, as they work better on the hair.

Shine hair mask

The mask is applied to the length of the hair.

  • 1 teaspoon of almond or argan oil
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 5 drops of vitamins A and E in oil;
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil.

Mix argan oil and almond oil and heat in a water bath. Then add essential oil and vitamins at the end. Apply the mask to the length of the hair, insulate and hold for as long as possible.

Homemade mask for hair shine

If the scalp is not prone to oily content, then the mask can be applied to the scalp.

  • 1 teaspoon of avocado oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 2 teaspoons of aloe juice;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A in oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin E in oil;
  • 1 yolk.

Apply the mask, warm it and keep it on for 1 to 2 hours, then wash your hair as usual.

Moisturizing mask for dry hair

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of coconut oil;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of shea butter (shea butter);
  • 3-5 drops of vitamin A in oil;
  • 3-5 drops of vitamin E in oil;
  • 5-8 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil.

Mix the base oils and heat them in a water bath, then add the rest of the ingredients to the warm oils. Apply the finished mixture to the length of the hair and insulate.

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